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The Step-By-Step Process: How to Apply For a Patent
3 minute read
April 19, 2024


Inventors need to protect their unique ideas and inventions from unauthorized use—and one of the best ways to do this is through the application of US Patent Law. But you can’t utilize this vital legal machine without knowing how to apply for a patent. 

However, the patent process is often intricate and very detailed. It requires a thorough understanding of both the legal framework and the technical requirements. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to navigating the patent application process—giving your innovations the best chance of being properly safeguarded for your future.

Schedule your free consultation with Stanzione & Associates PPLC.

What is required to obtain a patent?

Eligibility for a patent involves three main criteria for your invention: 

  1. Novelty
  2. Usefulness
  3. Non-obviousness

The US Patent and Trademark Office (or USPTO) requires detailed information about your invention to assess its eligibility. 

Details include:

  • A complete description of the invention
  • Claims that define the invention’s scope
  • Drawings, when necessary, to understand the invention
  • An oath or declaration attesting that you are the original inventor

Step-by-step guide on how to file for a patent

The process of securing a patent today can be complex and filled with pitfalls and challenges. However, most successful patent applicants have followed these basic steps:

  1. Prepare thoroughly: Before you start the application process, ensure you have a clear understanding of your invention, how it works, and how it differs from existing inventions.
  2. Conduct a patent search: A comprehensive search in the USPTO’s patent database is critical to ensure your invention hasn’t already been patented or disclosed in the public domain.
  3. Decide on the type of patent application (provisional or non-provisional): A provisional patent application secures a filing date and provides 12 months to file a non-provisional application, while a non-provisional application is a formal application reviewed by the USPTO.
  4. Prepare your patent application: Your application must include a detailed description of your invention, claims that specify what aspects of your invention need protection, any relevant drawings, and an oath or declaration.
  5. File your application with the USPTO: You can submit your patent application online or mail it—ensuring that you include all necessary forms and the filing fee.
  6. Work with a patent examiner: These patent examiners are assigned to your case after filing and you will likely need to respond to several rounds of communication—questions and requests for more information, clarification, or amendments to your application.
  7. Patent grant: Assuming your application is approved, you will need to pay the issue fee that—once paid—means your patent is granted, and you receive a patent certificate.

Finding the right assistance when applying for a patent 

Given the complexities involved, many inventors choose to work with a patent attorney or agent. 

The right professional can offer guidance throughout the process, from conducting a thorough patent search to crafting a robust application that adequately protects your invention.

Stanzione & Associates, PLLC—Your patent connection

Navigating the patent application process is a detailed and strategic endeavor that requires thorough preparation and, often, professional assistance. 

By understanding what is required and adhering to the rules of the USPTO, inventors can enhance their chances of securing patent protection, thereby safeguarding their innovations and potentially their future success in the market.

Reach out to Stanzione & Associates, PLLC, for a no-obligation consultation

Together, we can discover what you need to protect your future.


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